Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Signs of Spring

"The birds brought seeds & flowers & bits of brightly colored string & places them in her hair while she slept so that she would remember the wild joy of spring when she finally awoke." --Brian Andreas

The first spring we were in the house I waited patiently to see what plants would come up, when they would bloom, and where the arrivals would be. Last spring, however, I went nuts.

I ordered and planted over 250 bulbs, and transferred others. I like to use mail order sources because 1) they often offer deals, 2) they usually guarantee the plants, and 3) I can find more unusual species of plants that are usually offered around here. That is not to say that I don't shop locally a lot -- I just don't want the usual azalea/crepe myrtle/lariope/yellow daylilies/purple coneflower, etc. I also get a lot from other peoples' gardens when it is offered, and I certainly give away plenty from here.

A lot of the bulbs I planted last spring made little or no appearance last year. I am hoping that they just needed a year to settle in and this year I will be overcome with flowers. So far, I am seeing some things but certainly not all. I have contacted the various companies that I ordered from and am waiting a few more weeks before I announce defeat. My favorite mail order companies are Michigan Bulb, Spring Hill Gardens, and Dutch Gardens.

The Creeping Jenny has really taken off. It's amazing how it can stay out all winter and suddenly spring back to life -- I love the chartreuse green. I have it in several places already and have just added little sprigs to my front window boxes and several flower beds. It roots so easily and quickly and spreads like mad.

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